You’re on the IP-BC course website: Draft and File Utility Patents "Right-First-Time" using The Schwartz Method (TSM)
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 Select a LEVEL based on your Role/Tasking

CEO IP Champion Inventor Patent Counsel R&D/Engineer Prod-Mkt/Bus-Dev VC Student

Roles determine your LEVEL

Once in the corridor of uncertainty... 

Patenting tasks, defined by your role, determine which door you will be asked to open and when. 

Learn and apply the IP-BC LEVEL that will ensure targeted and effective conversations "behind each door".

Make your contribution: sharpen your conversations, lower the patent spend, and improve patent outcomes. 

The role tabs get you to the right LEVEL.

Basic Principle: Get into the IP-ZONE

Learning only what you need to know

How will you delegate or be delegated to in the patent workflow?  

Conflicting goals not withstanding, everyone want patents to issue quickly and cleanly.

  • CEO's expect them to offer sustainable differentiation.
  • Finance wants predictable on budget spends.
  • Innovators are challenged to create and pick the right Preferred-Embodiment (P-E).
  • R&D/Engineering is expected to perfect the P-E at the lowest cost. 
  • Patent Counsel is tasked to get monopoly rights.
  • Product Marketing has to sort out the competitive landscape.
  • BusDev/Sales is charged with selling the "must have differentiators".

Patenting goals will be unique

They get aligned in the IP-Zone because EVERYONE wants patents with great differentiators, properly scoped claims, and CLEAN FILE WRAPPERS


Technical Leaders: Find the path that improves the selection of the true Preferred-Embodiment, identifies the patentable matter, articulates the inventive step, ensures invention disclosure quality, as well as optimizes the utility patenting workflow and final product pipeline. They understand the Big-Bang Theory of IP Capitalization and how to integrate patenting into product development. The technical leader that takes on the role of IP Champion engenders an atmosphere of TRUST and helps all players align their conflicting objectives.


Legal Leaders: Whether an IP liaison, inside counsel, outside counsel, or a DIY inventor/founder, a key goal is the rapid conversion of MPEP utility compliant invention disclosures into complete provisionals or non-provisional patent applications. Legal seeks a patent workflow that minimizes the risk of Office Action Rejections before filing. They engage with the examiner during prosecution, having anticipated them in advance. They involve the lead inventors to ensure the best claim scope. all in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. 


Product Leaders: Product marketing works with sales and business development. A key goal is to ensure that the best protected competitive advantages are sold as part of the product line. Critical is setting differentiated messaging for the unique elements and their benefits,  as part of the value proposition. A key objective is to understand the key differentiators that create ROI for the buyers and to develop sales stories around those core strength.


IP leaders and Executives in the know

Find the right LEVEL or PAK for their team

Start at any LEVEL - Upgrade at any time

INDIVIDUALS typically pick a LEVEL based on their IP tasking.  IP-BC has something for every IP role/task. Use the LEVEL chart to see how easy it is to go down the IP learning curve with Schwartz. Can it be right for you now? Start on your "goto" LEVEL, upgrade at any time as  needed. Hone your IP skills in days and months instead of years.

Executives in the know use IP-BC as an insurance policy to protect their vision. They know getting the IP journey on track is job number one when starting a business. Why? This is when the risk of "seeding traps" is extremely high, and legal mis-steps in IP protection can be very expensive and could result in cataclysmic downstream failures.

New CEO's, typically running a Startup in development/incubation, benefit from IP-BC by protecting their investment. They are usually in the process of launching a new product or business. Aspiring Entrepreneurs often rise as an IP champion, having a key management position, and take the lead in adopting IP-BC for the very same reasons. 

PAKs are for IP champions. They are economically designed for TEAMS. IP-BC has something for every IP role/task. Can it be right for you now? Use the IP-BC/ENTRY(Champion-Edition) to take a look at the entire course. The Champion PAKs include all LEVELs. Get everyone IP savvy and hone your IP skills in days and months instead of years.

Select the tab to confirm your selection and to check out.

SUMMARY: You're here because you want to/need to know more about IP acquisition.

  • As a "lone wolf" independent inventor (a rare breed), or an IP player with many IP hats seeking to further IP skills.
  • As an independent IP Attorney in an IP law firm, working with inventors.
  • As an IP LIASON or a patent agent working with the patent office on prosecution.  
  • Each player harbors one or more technical goals, legal goals, and/or marketing goals.
  • IP-BoostCamp will refocus you into the IP-Zone
  • Own your unique goal(s) and respect competing ones . . . collaborate better with others in the IP hunt.

Get a kind awakening on Notice of Allowance...

My awakening. Here's what I realized and why I developed the IP SAVVYS tools so you too can have "kind awakenings"...

Would be patent owners did not understand the IP zone.  They could not explain how to secure SCA patents without suffering  embedded flaws. They were not able to connect mutually agreeable objectives to optimize patent workflow. They had no common patenting language or guiding principles with which to confer with patent counsel or the examiner. Worse, they had no real understanding of the true risk of FATAL patent office rejections during prosecution...not how to anticipate them or how to avoid them. And, all too often, they did not understand the final scope of their issued claims (i.e. their monopoly rights).

Ill constructed Patents "rushed to the altar" showed every flaw in their prosecution's File Wrapper. If not outright abandoned, they were weak in scope, easy to work around, and handily invalidated. A patent prosecution wrought with “potholes” resulted in expensive patents with little or no value. 

KIND AWAKENINGS are really possible! Patent flaws that killed SCA can actually BE AVOIDED with my repeatable claim de-risking method... TSM/BBT offers teams an "engineering discipline" for integrating patent drafting with product development, turning utility patenting from an ART ( or worse an After Thought) to a SCIENCE. Further, our IP SAVVYS approach enables all IP hunters to get into the IP-ZONE together. There's an IP-BC LEVEL for everyone in the IP hunt.

Consider using the FULL Starter-Kit with the IP SAVVYS book. It provides an end to end explanation of TSM/BBT.  When your teams learning requirements become clear, select the right  IP-BC LEVELS.

 When you're ready, select a LEVEL base on your ROLE

CEO IP Champion Inventor Patent Counsel R&D/Engineer Prod-Mkt/Bus-Dev VC Student

50% Complete

Two Step

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