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Thank you for considering ESERVGO’s IP SAVVY tools for your utility patent training.  We strive to offer the most comprehensive patent drafting approach, IP SAVVYS TSM, for this purpose.

WHO WE ARE: ESERVGO stands for Excellence in Service based on meeting your Goals and Objectives.

You can expect the highest quality educational products, all driven by the “Inventor Point of View”.  We show and teach best practice for how to secure utility patents with strategic competitive advantage. The platform we use to deliver our book and course work is one of the most advanced learning management systems available. This allows us to provide a seamless learning experience.  We strive for clear and concise communication in all content and purposely keep the language in straight forward, “non-legalese”, while staying 100% compliant with MPEP rules and regulations.

You can expect excellent customer service along with prompt and timely delivery of all of our educational products. We welcome your input in this pursuit as it provides us with the key feedback that lets us know if we met your needs and were satisfied with our educational tools.

OUR MISSION: Is rooted in deep, practical, functional expertise which we seek to share with all players on the utility patenting field. Our goal is to enable all our customers to improve their patenting conversations, as they progress through the IP corridor of uncertainty.  Our objective is to show you how to save upwards of 70% of your patent spend in the sequence of events on your arduous journey to notice of allowance.

OUR VISION: Is to set the standard of excellence in the delivery of a repeatable utility patenting method, TSM (The Schwartz Method). TSM is subject matter independent, offering insight into the creation of an MPEP compliant Invention Disclosure as the basis for developing airtight utility patents that are filed first, right first time, in the race to the patent office.

OUR VALUES: We are "student agnostic" in our teaching, be it inventor, patent counsel, the CEO as well as all utility patent hunters in-between. The IP SAVVYS approach to patenting is based on years of proven patenting outcomes, but is not legal advice. We do not accept utility patenting engagements. Instead, we seek to deliver the best educational products for utility patenting. ESERVGO refers all inquiries for legal assistance to trained/certified patent counsel when ever possible. Our educational products are delivered with passion and empathy. They embody our integrity and accountability. They imbue our understanding of the importance of moving you and your team into the IP ZONE, together.

Origin of ESERVGO 

Schwartz's entrepreneurial journey began in 1989, after serving as a Director of Texas Instruments’ Artificial Intelligence division. He left to form Productive Environments in order to pursue his vision for "a surface computer".  At PEI he formulated the invention, prototyped a preferred embodiment, enlisted outside patent counsel, and filed his first patent. His story of continuous innovation and serial inventing is detailed below. He reincorporated PEI as Productive Education in 2006, with ESERVGO as its Utility Patent Training Division.

ESERVGO educational products are designed to close the skills gap between innovators and the patent shamans in order to boost patenting outcomes. They are also designed to accelerate innovators down the patent learning curve so that they can get their applications filed first, and right first time.

The fundamentals of the IP SAVVYS tools are rooted in  "The Schwartz Method"(TSM), the proven patent  drafting technique that he developed in pursuit of his portfolio of utility patents. TSM demystifies utility patenting by offering "engineering principles and best practices" on how to form utility compliant patent disclosures. The book and course share the complete method on how to draft, file, prosecute, and secure airtight utility patents. Delivery is in plain, non-legalese language segmented in LEVELS targeted to the patent role and tasking of each player in the acquisition and application of the fruits of the utility patenting hunt.

Eservgo creates, develops, and delivers educational products through all distribution and publications channels in order to reach it's preferred customers.

Eservgo offers its IP SAVVYS book and its multi-level IP-BC course to individual inventors, IP teams in company product development divisions, and patent attorneys/patent law firms, as well as to university engineering departments and law schools engaged in utility patenting. “Bundled PAKS” are offered to patent agents and patent firms for certifying in TSM. 

ESERVGO's sole focus is  on utility patenting. 

ESERVGO does not engage in client projects.

ESERVGO does not compete with Patent Counsel.

David C. Schwartz - Author & Course Creator

VP IP, Eservgo

Dave is the creator of the on-line IP-BC course and the author of the UTILITY PATENTING for IP SAVVYS book. The complete book is included as a pdf download in IP -BC/ENTRY level and is published and distributed as soft, hard, and ebook thru all publishing channels, worldwide. 

Dave began his patent portfolio in 1989 as founder and CEO of Productive Environments, LLC. He filed pro se, prosecuted to publishing, and licensed his global patents over his 20 year journey down the "IP Corridor of Uncertainty. Today Dave's mission, as VP Intellectual Property ESERVGO, is to get you IP Savvy.

Dave is NOT AN ATTORNEY. His value proposition is that he authored his Book and IP-BC Course from a serial inventor/entrepreneur's point of view. He delivers this complete MPEP compliant utility patenting approach as a “DIAAY” (Do It Almost All Yourself) framework for preparing & filing airtight utility patents at the lowest practical patent spend and legal cost.  

David is also a director of a NFP Foundation where he is developing innovative medical devices for treating underserved communities suffering from trauma.

More About David Schwartz

Eservgo and Team IP-BC

First, we want to express our highest level goal: to deliver utility patenting course LEVELS for all IP roles and titles to enable any utility patent hunter to improve their conversation and utilization of patenting resources. 

Through the lens of The Schwartz Method (TSM), Dave translates 30 years of pro se utility patenting into digestible chunks.  His unique contribution is an insiders guide to the complex and dynamic world of patent portfolio building.  

As an independent inventor and entrepreneur, his patent portfolio dates back to his seminal invention, a hybrid electronic device providing "mechanical windowing" in a binder he claimed as "A SURFACE". His inventive step offered unexpected parallel visualization of multiple windows, compact portability, and application accessibility, delivering multi-dimensional displays in a bound enclosure. David's  "hypertext bookwindow" invention preceded Microsoft's  "windows" and "surface" brands. David’s patenting journey began with his engagement of the top patent law firm Fish & Neave, an arduous sequence of filing and prosecution steps which he had filed and prosecuted with them as the sole inventor. The story is featured in an up coming blog post where he retraces his steps in the original drafting and filing of his claimed folding computer package as “a surface”. 

The invention was recognized as the first ever pseudo-digital manipulative for "organizing literacy". As is the case with many innovators, he was "way ahead of his time". The computer industry was not quite ready for his packaging innovations. 

Proven teacher and educator

Schwartz, author & teacher designed/delivered teach the teacher curriculums

In order to build his business, he licensed preferred embodiments for manufacture as stationery products under the “Bookwindows™” brand. His effort produced a portfolio of patents, secured "pro se", as sole inventor. He bootstrapped his company and financed operations from cashflow, building a self-funded licensing business. The claims in each utility patent he acquired had to stand on their own. His portfolio eventually grew to over 250 non-infringed claims. His company's licensed products were manufactured and sold at all of the big box retailers, and his customers enjoyed success, benefiting from the unique advantage in using the tools to organize their time and work, improving their productivity. Some of the companies he assisted in the IP hunt along with others that marketed and sold his licensed products are listed below.

Schwartz has distilled his years of IP experience into the IP-Boostcamp course and IP SAVVYS book. His IP SAVVYS approach benefits from David's progressive patenting experience in mechanical objects, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, software engineered products, robotics, medical devices, electronic devices, FDA pharmaceutical GDP processes, as well as educational products.

He is recognized as an expert in intellectual property creation, acquisition, IP strategy, licensing, product/industry marketing, and complex business to business selling. Schwartz is credited with founding, managing and growing 3 start-up companies. He has his BSEE from Cornell University, where he was the MacMullen Scholar, his MSEE from MIT, and his MBA from Boston University School of Management.

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