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What’s Included in each LEVEL

  • Each IP-BC/LEVEL has content designed for individual learning based on role/title/task.
  • Example: Inventors and patent drafters will take ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER. CEO would take Intermediate in a Champion PAK.. Explore the FAQ on Learning Curve for more details.  
  • Every LEVEL includes the FULL Starter-Kit and the PDF download Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYs book.
  • LEVELS are comprised of Learning MODULES and each LEVEL incorporates the Modules of ALL prior LEVELS.  
  • Every LEVEL has a complete eBOOK w/all of it's content.
  • note: if you choose a PAK, each team member gets access to ALL LEVELs.

IP-BC/ Starter-Kit

Starter-Kit: Fatal Office Action Rejections (FOARs)

Select a Starter-Kit. Learn the basics of fatal office action rejections and how to avoid them BEFORE filing. Use it to change your IP conversation today.

  • The Starter-Kit explains FOARS in detail - the key to changing your IP Conversations
  • The FULL Starter-Kit has Part 1 of Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS (MPEP Demystified) and an eBOOK of all S-K content & pdf downloads

Starter-Kit & every LEVEL use the sections: Introduction/what to expect, WTPOA (Worth The Price Of Admission), Fundamentals of the lesson, new in this LEVEL, Bonus Content, Wrap-up/what's next.

Get a Starter-Kit



IP-Journey Broad Brush

For all IP Roles & Titles.

ENTRY offers a complete end-to-end view of Schwartz’s opus IP BoostCamp workshop. M#0(a) shares BAIA and AAIA points of view and breaks it down. M#0(b) provides the end-to-end webcast and chapter replays.  In 1/2 day get 80 more IP-IQ points and change your IP Point-Of-View (POV) once and for all. With an understanding of patent filing Before AIA(BAIA) and After AIA(AAIA/first-to-file), your conversations about IP capture and patent filing will shift and save you months of time along with IP dollars.

  • Every LEVEL bundle incorporates the FULL FOARs Starter-Kit as the first lesson
  • Every LEVEL bundle includes an eBOOK of the content and pdf downloads for that LEVEL


Get IP-BC/ENTRY (upgrade at any time during your subscription)
  • Full length Schwartz IP-BC Opus webcast, a complete end-to-end view in one sitting.
  • A complete slide book tracks with the streaming video.
  • a complete eBOOK of all contents and all downloads
  • Understand the IP journey told from an inventor perspective : from first-to-invent -> first-to-file.
  • Refocus streaming clip segments: BAIA-AAIA
  • PDF resource files get you out of the starting block, including FATAL OA Rejections and how to Avoid Them, Schwartz Credentials, IPBC-Glossary, 2pp ValueProp/expense form, Convert-Idea-to-patent Roadmap, Circle-of-Life IPZONE, Are You an Entrepreneur, IP-Pipelining, 30pp Lessons-Learned, 99pp All-Slides PDF follows opus webcast.
  • 7-Days unlimited Streaming & Downloads. Credentials for 1(one)Individual.



IP Corridor Uncertainty

For Executives involved in IP planning and budgeting as well as anyone in league with heavily IP tasked workers . 

M#1 offers a deeper dive into the IP Corridor of Uncertainty. In 2 weeks, viewers use the Starter-Kit and ENTRY to begin. Then, they use M#1 to further understand the nature of the “IP doors” they will open down the gauntlet. The risks behind each are exposed and expanded on.  All journey steps are sequenced using the Big-Bang Theory of IP Capitalization with 16 inter-related metaphors used to convey the journey. Make the critical shift in how you manage your IP workflows using BBT and TSM. Decide who else in the IP hunt should take Advanced and Advanced-Practitioner.


Get INTERMEDIATE (upgrade at any time during your subscription)
  • Includes the Schwartz Opus webcast & 7 individual Video Chapters to review your dive into the IP Corridor of Uncertainty.
  • Understand the cost/risk for each door you may open.
  • PDF resource files add the Inventors Commandments Under TSM, IPZONE-9T’s of Innovation, SubSet Webcast Slides, Ensure Patent Record, Laymans Explanation of filing Pak, Forms Patent Filing, DocPak Essential Papers, Filing CheckList. StarShipEnerprise-where are you. LessonsLearned.
  • Schwartz's practical metaphors include: Corridor of Uncertainty/door, Big-Bang Theory of IP Creation/Risk, One-Trick Pony or Triple Crown Winner, IP-Zone /RedZone/HailMary, The Schwartz Method, The Classic Book and Library, Complex & Dynamic, Bermuda Triangle, Magic Show Secrets, Holy Grail, The 85%/15% Rule, Baby’s First Steps, Crossing the Chasm, Game of Secret, On Becoming Charles Kettering, Begin with the end in mind, may the Schwartz be with you.
  • 14-Days unlimited Streaming and Downloads. Credentials for 1(one)Individual.



The Schwartz Method (TSM) 

For IP roles/titles engaged in patent drafting, interactions with IP counsel, working with patent liasons, patent agents, and patent examiners. 

ADVANCED offers a deeper dive into The Schwartz Method (TSM) for airtight patent drafting.  Get 2020 hindsight into the true mountain climb in filing a utility patent that is derisked from Rule 101,102, 103, 111 and112 rejections. Dive into The Schwartz Method(TSM) with a detailed focus on the iterative framework.

This LEVEL includes a BONUS section which shares a "how to" way to save up to 70% of your IP expenditure.

Access the static templates to follow the sequence required to file an airtight patent application disclosure and convert it to a non-provisional utility patent application. Use it's guided template IDPAW(Invention Disclosure Patent Application Workbook) to “begin with the end in mind” with this detailed and indelible blueprint IP capture work process. The guided templates show how to incrementally develop a specification and claims that anticipate Office Action (OA) rejections.


Get ADVANCED (upgrade at any time during your subscription)
  • Begin with the end in mind with detailed and indelible blueprints for IP capture work process.
  • Explore "The Schwartz Method(TSM)" end-to-end and understand how Schwartz reverse engineers the patent rubric. Get all templates.
  • Use the UCD(Utility Compliant Disclosure) and see what a complete utility patent compliant invention disclosure includes.
  • PDF Resources include TSM templates to generate an airtight patent application that anticipates Office Action (OA) rejections 101,102,103,111, & 112.
  • In addition to all M#0 and M#1 Resource files, get Inventors Commandments, TSM Fundamentals Step-By-Step, Convert Idea to Patent, Complete UCD&IDPAW Workflows, IDPAW Templates ABCDEF-123456, Patent Claim Template, and LessonsLearned Refocus on TSM.
  • Schwartz's 85%/15% rule is integrated into the IDPAW to ensure TSM works for patents in ALL SUBJECT MATTER AREAS. 
  • 30-Days unlimited Streaming and Downloads. Credentials for 1(one) Individual.


For IP roles/titles engaged in actual patent preparation and filing approval from a-to-z, including any patent drafting, interactions with IP counsel, working with patent liasons, patent agents, and patent examiners.

ADVANCED-PRACTIONER provides the opportunity to prepare and file with dynamic docs and your own IP. This module offers a preplanned series of steps you will take with your own IP over a 4 "intervals" period of time. We use weeks as a metric - you move at your own pace. M#3 incorporates the use of dynamic .docx Schwartz TSM templates that will enable delivery of a complete filing at the end of the challenge. There is a detailed look at a sample pro forma Patent Form Bundle that will need to be filled out and submitted (either online or by USPS) to get your patent application on file. The module offers the step-by-step application of the Schwartz Method to perform a UCD/UC Pat Generation/Conversion WITH YOUR INVENTION. The slip between the cup and the lip in converting a Utility Compliant Disclosure to a Utility Compliant Patent Application can be the result of a lapse of focus, among other reasons. This is truly a complex and dynamic sequence of events that can be daunting at the outset, and befuddling once in the "middle trying to get out". Experience will always shorten the steps and increase the chance of a quality outcome. This module delivers on that promise more quickly than any other utility patenting experience. Focus on the step-wise formulation, with checks and balances, helping you to stay compliant, de-risk from FOARS, and to be accurate and complete in your drafting/filing. The process of applying Schwartz iteratively as you finalize your draft will increase your success and deliver on the promise of getting a Utility Patent Application on file in the shortest time...and one  timely published with the highest quality...the Holy Grail.

Get ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER (upgrade to a Champion PAK at any time during your subscription)
  • The module offers a step-by-step application of the Schwartz Method to perform a UCD/UC Pat Generation & Conversion WITH YOUR Intellectual Property.
  • TSM is delivered using dynamic docs that you use iteratively to generate an airtight utility patent application.
  • In the 30-Day IP challenge you are guided week to week using the dynamic drafting templates incorporating airtight TSM rules with your own IP.
  • In addition to all M#0, M#1, and M#2 Resource Files, get Inventors Commandments, Where Am I, Dynamic doc Claim Template, Dynamic doc UCD Sections 1-to-6, Flow Generator Sample Patent IDPAW to UCD Sequence, All Patent Filing PAK doc samples and Lessons Learned.
  • Once you have them, use them as often as needed with other inventive matter.
  • 60-Days unlimited Streaming and Downloads to complete the 30 day challenge.

FAQ's on Learning Curve

FAQ: Why now? Whats in it for me/us?

Once America Invents Act was implemented, the "IP pyramid" was turned upside down. Instead of a focus on date of conception, and the use of a progression of provisional patents to establish patent pending status, the focus was shifted to "first to file". Who ever gets to the patent office first with the most complete utility compliant application is in the position to win the IP battle. Schwartz shows you how to file a compliant utility patent fast...@ warp speed.

A bedrock principle of the Schwartz Method is the 85%-15% Rule. What is the rule...? Schwartz points out that 85% of how a patent application is formulated is "subject matter independent", and simply follows MPEP(Manual of Patent Examination Procedures). 15% of construction is subject matter dependent and derives from enablement within each classification/field of invention. Schwartz's disclosure and patent drafting method is built on 85/15. Of course each patent application is comprised of a classification based description that is entirely field specific. However by identifying the 85% that must be compliant with nuanced drafting rules, Schwartz anticipates PATENT OFFICE ACTION (OA) REJECTIONS as an integral part of its iterative drafting technique. It works in a similar way to the rubric employed by an inspired writer, creating and drafting what they hope will be a great novel. Use the sample 10 minute  video clip and this FAQ is to help evaluate our look/feel and out value proposition.  We hope you will decide there is a fit and that you will select a module or package to accelerate your IP.

Success stories:

One example of accelerating patent quality drafting and filing involved a company that was receiving substantial legal invoices from their IP counsel for services they did not entirely understand. After applying the Schwartz Method to the expensive draft of the proposed software patent application from their counsel, they "rewrote" the "bible" application using TSM, converting a UCD to a UC patent application. They filed the revised, MPEP compliant application in record time, saving thousands of dollars in legal fees.

In another example, a company applied the Schwartz Method to deal with licensing obligations. They used TSM to reverse engineer and analyze an issued patent from the IP licensing department of a prestigious university, and were able to deconstruct the published claims by disecting the File Wrapper of the patent they were being "forced" to license. After successfully showing their licensor that the patent was invalid, they secured a release from the patent license and were able to sell their company for millions of dollars.

OK if you are not familiar with Nolo/Pressman "Patent it in 24 Hours", then it's time to get that resource for yourself. If your IP counsel has suggested it to you already, good for them. Then, what will IP-Boostcamp/Schwartz add to our journey? First, let us be the first to tell you that we weaned on Pressman for 18 years, edition after edition and we would not have been able to do what we did without that guide. That said, we were never able to get a patent application on file in less than 3 months, even after we knew the final preferred embodiment! It's complicated, even when you have your inventive step pinned down. Unlike other IP workbooks and courses, IP-Boostcamp takes 30 years of IP experience in getting patents, pro se, from an inventors point of view, offering not only anecdotal stories of IP exploits, lessons learned, and business outcomes. Schwartz adds the IDPAW templates so you can generate airtight disclosures and proposed utility compliant patent apps out of the starting blocks. We apply the case method employed by world-renowned business schools such as Harvard Business School, to teach key learning points. This not only demystifies the IP process, it also drives systematic organizational learning, process change, and ultimately vastly improved IP outcomes, through in-depth understanding of IP strategy and tactics.

What you will learn/leave with:  You will learn about the IP Corridor through a dynamic, real-time exploration of the complex and dynamic IP creation and acquisition experience.  The IP-Boostcamp will enhance your consumption and interpretation of event driven IP "situations" ahead. How you handle each situation will determine how well you will maximize IP outcomes. When you see more clearly the potholes hidden by each door you open, down the corridor, you will be able to gain "dynamic stability" in your workflow.  You will discover (1) new methods for enhancing employee creativity and inventiveness through IP discovery and mining (2) a systematic method for prioritizing those elements of your IP that are worth protecting (3) a simple, powerful, and reusable process for establishing a corporate-wide IP pipeline (4) a comprehensive framework for establishing a core IP strategy and patent portfolio (5) a  streamlined, continuous approach for identifying, articulating, developing, and exploiting IP (6) a planning cycle that enables better budgeting and synchronization of IP processes and expenses with other business systems, especially Finance (7) a methodology for creating and improving functional interfaces between R&D, Engineering, Product Marketing, Finance, and Legal.

TSM will enable you to create a well articulated IP landscape with a reusable framework that will enable you to increase IP productivity, improve selection of patentable matter, increase disclosure quality, and build an IP pipeline you will want to sponsor and fund.

FAQ: How much time? Which LEVELS/Modules?

The IP-Boostcamp has 4 key LEVELS from ENTRY to ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER. Each LEVEL is comprised of one or more Modules (M#0-M#3). Modules are comprised of individual lessons. You take the LEVEL that fits your IP  goals, role and actual tasking. You can select as either an individual or  team. For example, LEVEL IP-BC/ENTRY is a "broad brush" and includes Schwartz's opus workshop Webcast. It has M#0(a) and M#0(b). It breaks down the core considerations BAIA and AAIA and includes the entire streaming webcast in one sitting, along with a second lesson that allows for the selective viewing of critical chapters. Every lesson is  combined with a related set of pdf download resource files to apply, and reuse. Individual learners proceed at their own pace using the predetermined subscription interval to get traction. Lessons are tuned to enable individuals to learn the material in the quickest time, with the highest retention. Once you complete your LEVEL/Module(s), keep the reusable tools and put them into practice over and over again, day-in and day-out.

Depending on where you are in your IP journey and what your IP role and experience is, the time will vary.

  • As an individual inventor wearing multiple hats with IP drafting tasks, in the thick of the IP hunt, you will need everything. Especially if you are getting your application ready to file, you will find ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER and it's Module #3, the 30 Day DIY-IP Challenge, to be a good fit.  Here, with your own IP, you have a 60 day interval  to consume all the prior LEVELs w/(M#0->M#2) and to execute the 4 week, guided, step-by-step challenge.  
  • If you are looking for a broad brush as part of a functional department that integrates with IP, then ENTRY with it's M#0 and a 7 days subscription should work.
  • As a group in a startup or in a company department, we offer monthly intervals to absorb, integrate, and apply Schwartz in a team collaboration.

Get started with one of the LEVELS, plan/budget for your needs accordingly, then upgrade as required to get everyone IP Savvy.

Individuals often wear multiple hats, among them is direct tasking for IP capture and acquisition. They will typically select the individual Module M#2 for either "Schwartz" and/or M#3 for the "30-Day DIY-IPChallenge". These choices include the background on the IP Journey and the IP Corridor of Uncertainty, but offer detailed guidance on how to implement the Schwartz method to accelerate quality IP filings. The intervals vary and are designed to provide you with the critical time/window to get through and apply the material. You keep and use the workbooks, templates, and pdf downloads. They are the key reference material and tools you use day to day, going forward, as you proceed with IP task execution.

You may be outside IP counsel to an individual, start-up group that is in need of a common IP framework. You know that if everyone is on the SAME IP PAGE, they will be better and happier clients. Maybe you are working with a company department that is already using the Schwartz Method. Often, selecting M#2,  the "Schwartz" module, will give you and others everything you need to know to accelerate IP work.  If your law firm has an education champion, it may be desirous to select the package that allows your patent attorneys to use ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER in order to refocus their best practices using The Schwartz Method. They will select the legal team package. 

Align your needs with IP-BC Course offerings

Decide which LEVEL you need based on your role as CEO, BusDev Exec, Product Engineer/Product Marketer, R&D/innovator, or patent authority

  • Each LEVEL has the Starter-Kit and incorporates all lower LEVELs as prerequisites.
  • Start anywhere, upgrade to the next higher LEVEL for only the price difference.
  • PAKs(packages) are for champions and include all LEVELS for the entire subscription period.
  • Your LEVEL selection modules appears automatically in your personal library at CheckOut.
  • Watch the Schwartz promise video clip  - our guarantee.

  • Use the FAQ's to answer additional questions.
Get more FAQ Answers - download ( IP Counsel, Corridor of Uncertainty, Lasting Improvement, Reduce Uncertainty, Getting Started)

Schwartz's IP-BoostCamp Promise

Our Guarantee: You will learn the key IP trade secrets starting with FOARs. The story of FOARs is told from an inventor point of view & will change your IP conversation in less than 1/2 day


Click any tab to evaluate IP-BC LEVELS


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