Course Site: Learn how to draft, file, and prosecute Utility Patents "Right-First-Time" using The Schwartz Method (TSM)

Video introduction IP SAVVYS Book: Get your utility patenting questions answered in one read


Take a quick listen to this 1 minute introduction to my new book. Read this quick summary. Then move ahead with IP SAVVYS. You can start your "patenting-refocus" and boost your utility patenting capabilities by getting a copy of my new book Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS. Just set aside 4 hours and read this book in one sitting. Use it as a stand alone resource or allow it to open your horizons and take the IP-BC on-line course to expand your knowledge and functional patenting skills. Share the book and course with your entire team and allow each of the players in the IP hunt to establish their preferred role and align together on IP goals and objectives. Even though each participant may have different goals, instead of competing, use IP SAVVYS to align and collaborate. Change your IP conversation today. Use the Full Starter-Kit to get a download of the compete book, a discount on the eBook, and a bulk discount on the soft cover book.

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