Accelerate down your utility patenting learning curve . . . understand FOARs, boost your IP Intelligence Quotient (IP-IQ) by 80 Points, and change your IP conversation.
This is your IP SAVVYS Starter-Kit, specially designed for Venture Capitalists
Fill in your name and email address to get your log-in credentials for the Complete Starter-Kit with eBOOK and all PDF downloads. Learn about De-risking FOARs.
What you'll get:
- Part 1 if the IP SAVVYS Book
- A FOARs analysis on Fatal rejections and how to avoid them- as taught to TSM customers
- 15% discount on eBOOK directly from our publisher
- As a member, you'll have full access to our Book and Course Learning Management Systems
- Take advantage of the offer to upgrade to an annual subscription with all IP SAVVY tools
We welcome you aboard. When your utility patenting companies adopt TSM, they will be better clients for their patent counsel, because they are more organized and submit utility compliant patent disclosures. Learn the ins and outs of TSM and share it with your company IP Champions if they aren't already IP SAVVYS.
Use the IP SAVVY tools to help your customers change their IP/Utility Patenting conversations today and save upwards of 70% on their previous patent spend.