Innovator: Be a Utility Patent Champion (UPC)

As the UPC,the book is a quick-start way to understand what you do and don't know about impact utility patents. It’s useful to anyone seeking to get IP SAVVY. Read Part1 (MPEP Demystified) & Part2 (TSM and changing your patenting conversations)
$12.95 USD

FULL Starter-Kit
As the UPC, the FULL Starter-Kit includes the IP SAVVYS Book (Part1/MPEP Demystified -Part2/TSM & changing your patenting conversations), introductory course modules, and a detailed Fatal Office Action Rejections (FOARS) analysis
$19.95 USD

As the UPC, start with the IP-BC ENTRY LEVEL. Includes Book, Starter-Kit, & FOARS analysis along with LEVEL1 modules. Upgrade at any time for only the LEVEL's price difference. Each LEVEL is aligned to your role/task
$79.95 USD
Whether CEO, Patent Counsel, or anyone in-between, get started today.
- The Book is a one sitting read. The FULL Starter-Kit is an on ramp for the on-line, self paced IP-BC Course.
- Each IP-BC Course LEVEL is aligned to your patent role & tasking.
- Access your private library on our secure site. Your credentials will never be shared.
Ways to Quick-Start:
Use the IP SAVVYS Book: Choose the book and, learn about MPEP compliance and using TSM to de-risk for FOARS before filing. Decide if you can benefit from more IP SAVVY tools.
Use FULL Starter-Kit: Learn about MPEP compliance, avoiding FOARS, and using TSM to change your patenting conversations. Assign it to everyone on the team as a first step.
Start with ENTRY LEVEL: Once you understand the skill gaps, assign each member an IP-BC/LEVEL to close those gaps. Make TSM a permanent part of your utility patenting DNA.