Accelerate down your utility patenting learning curve . . . understand FOARs, boost your IP Intelligence Quotient (IP-IQ) by 80 Points, and change your IP conversation.
Fill in your name and email address to get your log-in credentials for the Complete Starter-Kit with eBOOK and all PDF downloads. Learn about De-risking FOARs.
What you'll get: IP SAVVY tools are formatted for high retention learning with a similar lesson structure for all LEVELS. The framework for S-K includes:
- FULL Starter--Kit, eBOOK, bonus download on FOARS.
- 365 days of Streaming and resource file downloads-renewable annually
- Access to the full IP-BC learning management system platform to evaluate IP goals & objectives and select offers
Why bother? Help your technology portfolio companies save upwards of 70% on their previous utility patenting spend.
Whether your companies have a lone-wolf on the IP hunt or a patenting team team, the IP-Champion has a lot to gain.
Use the complete IP-BC/Starter-Kit to help your clients change their IP/Utility Patenting conversation today.